Afghan jewelery

Afghan jewelery plays an important role in the way in which Afghan women accessorize their traditional clothes. Without the stunning chunky Afghan jewelry. The traditional dress (Gandi Afghani) will look bare and incomplete like Romeo without Juliet. The Afghan jewelery… Read More »Afghan jewelery

Find Your Fit

You also need to know what a “good” fit actually looks like. Tailors vary in skill and in how they communicate the work they’re doing, so getting a suit adjusted is only going to deliver a good return if you… Read More »Find Your Fit

Poem by-Khushal Khan-

Life’s no life when honor’s left; Man’s a man when honor’s kept. Nation’s honor and nation’s fame; On life they have a prior claim. With thoughts of these I do remain; Unvexed with cares of loss or pain.    … Read More »Poem by-Khushal Khan-

Afghan Chat Room

Afghan chat is an area on the Internet or other computer network where Afghan users from all over the world can communicate. Typically one dedicated to a particular topic. Afghan Chat room, particularly those intended for Cultured and educated Afghans.… Read More »Afghan Chat Room